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The Rev. Canon Kevin J.  Moroney,  PhD, Priest-in-Charge

Wardens and
Vestry Members

Sarito Flore-Aponte, Senior Warden
Eileen Marcus, Junior Warden

Karen Nani, Secretary

Kathy Lonergan, Treasurer

Emilio Aponte
Barbara Dennis
Joe Menon



Karen Nani, Christian Education

Altar Guild

Eileen Marcus, Chair,  Sarito Flores-Aponte

Eileen Marcus, Melvin Aponte

Usher- Peter Klopfer

Buildings and Grounds - Joe Menon, Emilio Aponte

Father Moroney in Pulpit_edited_edited.j

The Rev. Canon Kevin J. Moroney, PhD, has been serving as the H. Boone Porter Chair on Liturgics at The General Theological Seminary, where he also served as

Director of the Chapel of the Good Shepherd.  Additionally, he was Priest-in-Residence at
St. Peter’s Church in Clifton, NJ,

and he serves the Episcopal Church

on the Task Force for Liturgical and

Prayer Book Revision (TFLPBR).

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